Frédéric is a 12 year experienced real estate broker and he is still passionate about helping his clients to find their dream houses.
Working in Montreal means that he has the opportunity to work with one of the most dynamic market in the world. It is definitely challenging to provide his clients the best sales and investment opportunities everyday. Helping his clients to reach their goal is the most rewarding experience for him.
Frédéric is responsive and always available, he helps his clients through the sale process to build the real estate investment of their dreams. He pays special interest in the quality of life in our neighborhoods, and he believes local shops and local meeting places remains essential.
He is personally involved in supporting his neighborhood:
- Member of the Board of Directors of the Association des Commerçants et Marchands de l'avenue Bernard in Outremont,
- Vice-president of the SARPAD Volunteer Center which helps seniors with a loss of autonomy in Côte-des-Neiges and Outremont,
- Church administrator of Ste-Madeleine Church in Outremont.
"Le véritable lieu urbain est celui qui nous modifie, nous ne serons plus, en le quittant celui que nous étions en y pénétrant." - Pierre Sansot
For any real estate questions, create an investment plan, or just to share a good Montreal address. Please do not hesitate to contact him at 514-835-1042

Montréal (Côte-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce)
5576 Av. de Canterbury
Montréal (Côte-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce)
4267A Rue Jean-Brillant
Montréal (Côte-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce)
5609 Av. de Darlington
Montréal (Côte-des-Neiges/Notre-Dame-de-Grâce)
4265 Rue Jean-Brillant
Useful Resources
A la recherche d’un appartement meublé avec certaines exigences pour une location d’une demi-année, 2 semaines auront suffit à sélectionner, visiter, choisir et signer ce que nous n’osions imaginer …. Nous en sommes ravis !
Frédéric a su trouver dans un marché ou il y avait peu de maison disponible ma maison. Il a su négocier et chercher la maison qui repondait à mes besoins. Il a agit de façon très professionnelle avec un résultat exceptionnel. Ses talents et son expertise sont un atout, et il a repondu rapidement à mes attentes. Je recommande fortement Frédéric pour toutes transactions immobilières.
Fabuleux service ! Merci Frédéric pour ton professionnalisme.
Personne sérieuse et de très bons conseils ! Je recommande Mr Frédéric Guilmard
Merci de ton travail professionnel hors pair et exceptionnel. Je réitère que je ne crois pas qu'on n'aurait réussi à se rendre sans ton soutien sans faille. Un immense Merci!
Merci beaucoup de si bien nous accompagner avec tant de gentillesse et professionnalisme dans nos premiers pas à Montréal. Tu nous as trouvé de très beaux appartements, et celui-ci nous rend très heureux, d'autant plus que les propriétaires ont l'air si sympathiques Merci pour tout
If you need a real estate agent then you can't go wrong with Frédéric Guilmard. I would 100% recommend him to anyone. Buying a property is a big undertaking; the people you work with make all the difference! I can't stress enough how much he helped us out, and went beyond the call of duty. I have worked with other agents in the past for purchasing properties, and I can tell you Frédéric is a top notch professional. We ran into a hitch with a problem seller and our deal might have fallen through — but Frédéric was right there. Through the whole process, he supported us, and connected us to a great lawyer and other professionals. He really knows the industry well and has great networking contacts. He definitely worked hard for us; you can feel his sincerity and commitment. Now, Frédéric didn’t have to didn't have to help us the way he did. He even texted us back once, late at night, when we had emergency concerns. And if he didn't have an answer for us, he’d quickly get one by the next day. We are so happy with our new condo. I can't thank Frédéric enough for the work he did. From start to finish — he was fantastic. Please believe me: if you need a great real estate agent then you should work with Frédéric! I was very lucky to have had him as my agent. He really is the very best.
Excellent courtier très professionnel et très humain.
Rigeur et professionnalisme. Lorsque que moi, ma conjointe et notre petit garçon de 2ans nous sommes lancé dans la recherche d' une demeure pour notre famille, le marché était très difficile pour un acheteur. Frédéric nous as guidé, informé et as été d'une efficacité sans équivoque tout au long de notre démarche. Notre famille est maintenant dans un superbe condo qui rempli tout nos désirs. Nous sommes fier de le recommander!
Travail professionnel, très satisfait.
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